#001: This is that beginning of ‘something’

Here’s to the next chapter! Cheers! Gān bēi! Santé! Proost! Kanpai! Cin cin! Salud! 😉

What this website is going to be is a mystery to me as yet (!), but in the spirit of being pro-active, I’ve set it up hoping that it’ll start the ball rolling…

I’ve written about why I named the site ‘Basics of Happy’ on the About page, so if you’re interested, take a peek.

Homemaking food is central to my happy being so there is a Recipe section, where I have already entered two of my favourite recipes from my old website: one sweet, and one savoury recipe.

#002 Fluffy and plump Japanese brown rice
#003 The ultimate creme caramel

And, to fund this new website I have created an online store which links you to amazon products. Please take a look at these too~! 🙂
Any future articles will appear on the homepage, so I hope you stay tuned! See you around~!!!!!
Tamami xx

14 Replies to “#001: This is that beginning of ‘something’”

  1. Hey I didn’t have time in minikland to browse the web this summer, not able to leave you a comment 🙁 I’m so happy to see this in my mailbox today! Cheers and good luck ? hope all is well and lots of love!

  2. Hi Tamami, congratulation on your new blog. Glad to see you back in action. I was slow down in blogging too but hopefully to be back soon. :))
    Take care and see ya. God bless you and family.

  3. Hi Tamami, I love your other blog and I look forward to what this one will bring!! I rejoice on the finishing of your therapy! I am so happy for you and your family!!

    1. Awww, Diana, how sweet of you, thank you so much! ☺️ Yes, I’m excited to start this new blog and look forward to writing for it! Yayyyyy! 🙂

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