Hello! I hope this article finds you well! ^^ As seasoned blog readers will know, I write a lot about food – on this blog as well as on my Instagram feed. Despite quitting my food business almost two years ago (omg… time flew by…), I am still very much absorbed in thoughts for all-things food. If you see me quietly contemplating something, you betcha my brain is preoccupied with, yes you’ve guessed it, about food. Lol…
My love of food extends to reading about it as well. I love reading not just cookbooks but also food essays, journals and even scientific reports at times. When it’s written well, I marvel at how the words are deliciously composed. I’m not a fan of the word ‘foodporn’ but it does describe how I feel about reading about food. Continue reading “#008: 355 words to describe food (downloadable poster)”